Rostislav Kuba is a Czech actor, author, and director. He began his acting career in the mid-1960s as an apprentice at the Workers' Theatre in Most. Later, he studied acting at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (DAMU), graduating in 1976. After completing his studies, he secured his first permanent engagement at the Prague City Theatres. He then moved to the Semafor Theatre, where he joined Josef Dvořák’s ensemble. During the 1990s, he performed on several other stages, including the Jiří Grossmann Theatre and the Provisional Theatre of F. R. Čech. He was most active in front of film and television cameras during the 1980s when audiences were well familiar with his face. He appeared in films such as Jak básníkům chutná život (How Poets Enjoy Life, 1987), Všichni moji blízcí (All My Loved Ones, 1999), and the TV series Bylo nás pět (There Were Five of Us, 1994). In addition to acting, he also pursued literary work. He is the author of two memoir books: Slavné herecké historky (Famous Acting Anecdotes, 1997) and Nedotknutelní aneb Jak jsem potkal hvězdy (The Untouchables, or How I Met the Stars, 1999). In recent years, he has appeared less frequently on screen but continues to be involved in theatre, occasionally working in dubbing and theatre directing.
Series | Noha 22 | Unknown | 2011-09-01 |
Series | Pražský písničkář | Unknown | 1997-01-01 |
Movie | Kocourkov | Unknown | 1992-01-01 |
Movie | Trhala fialky dynamitem | Unknown | 1992-11-19 |
Movie | Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age | Unknown | 1991-08-17 |
Movie | Nemocný bílý slon | Unknown | 1990-03-01 |
Movie | Jehlice sluneční paní | Unknown | 1990-01-01 |
Movie | Království stromů | Unknown | 1989-01-01 |
Movie | Stačí stisknout | Unknown | 1989-01-01 |
Movie | Čert a dráha | Unknown | 1988-01-01 |
Movie | Kouzelnice od Křídového potoka | sedlák | 1988-02-14 |
Movie | How Poets Are Enjoying Their Lives | Libor Hájek | 1988-06-01 |
Movie | Sychravé království | Unknown | 1987-01-01 |
Series | Strom pohádek | Šimon | 1987-01-01 |
Movie | Vltavská víla | Unknown | 1987-03-23 |
Movie | On a Wayward Princess | Unknown | 1987-12-01 |
Movie | Scalpel, Please | Unknown | 1986-03-01 |
Series | Třetí patro | Unknown | 1986-10-03 |
Movie | Případ nevinné řeky | Unknown | 1986-12-03 |
Movie | Santa Lucia | Unknown | 1985-02-07 |
Movie | S Pydlou v zádech | mladý král | 1985-01-01 |
Movie | Rubikova kostka | podporučík Kouba | 1985-04-06 |
Series | Paragrafy na kolech | Unknown | 1985-05-18 |
Movie | Spící princ | Unknown | 1985-12-26 |
Movie | Pod nohama nebe | Unknown | 1984-05-01 |
Series | The Physician of a Dying Time | Ambrosius | 1984-02-20 |
Movie | Této noci v tomto vlaku | Zdeněk | 1984-06-02 |
Series | Obraz | Unknown | 1984-07-19 |
Series | Sanitka | Unknown | 1984-11-25 |
Movie | Petra a Pavla | Unknown | 1983-01-01 |
Series | Malý pitaval z velkého města | Unknown | 1983-11-26 |
Movie | Nech sa niekto opováži alebo Ako Ďuro Konôpka o fujaru prišiel | Unknown | 1982-01-01 |
Movie | Soví hnízdo | Hokeš | 1982-02-06 |
Movie | Slečna se špatnou pověstí | Unknown | 1982-09-23 |
Series | Velitel | Unknown | 1981-01-03 |
Series | Had z ráje | Karel Hynek Mácha | 1981-07-12 |
Movie | Drsná Planina | Unknown | 1980-05-01 |
Series | Dnes v jednom domě | Unknown | 1980-05-11 |
Movie | Hrozba | Unknown | 1978-11-17 |
Movie | Řemen | Unknown | 1978-12-24 |
Movie | Poslední zkouška | Unknown | 1977-04-21 |
Movie | Značka „Svobodný otec“ | Unknown | 1976-01-01 |
Movie | Boty plné vody | (segment "Silvestr 1948") | 1976-12-17 |
Series | Muž na radnici | Unknown | 1976-09-12 |
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