Image of Cesar García

Cesar García

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Cesar García. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Plomo sobre Dallas 1970-10-01
Latest Project:
Movie I Killed Lucca 2023-09-20
Known For
Poster of Chuck
Movie I Killed Lucca 2023-09-20
Movie Myra Luis Ochoa 2019-01-19
Movie Dead End Smiley 2019-06-04
Movie Avenge the Crows Angel 2017-12-05
Movie Circle Tattooed Man 2015-05-28
Movie Speak No Evil Jake 2013-05-24
Movie Starlet Repo Man 2012-11-09
Movie Fast & Furious Juvenal 2009-04-02
Movie Falling Ruiz 2008-08-15
Series Chuck Shifty Inmate 2007-09-24
Movie Dirty Gangster #3 2006-01-20
Movie Hot Tamale Francisco 2006-04-23
Series Criminal Minds Gangbanger (as Caesar Garcia) 2005-09-22
Movie Harsh Times Listo 2005-09-11
Movie Vengeance 2004-04-06
Movie Dawn Breaks, Which Is No Small Thing Man #4 1989-01-17
Movie Eversmile New Jersey Fat Dentist 1989-09-11
Movie A King and His Movie Bonanno 1986-08-28
Movie Los caballeros del botón de ancla 1974-10-28
Movie Plomo sobre Dallas Dick 1970-10-01
Movie Rebels of Arizona Comisario 1970-12-16
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