The Legend of Qin (2014)

The Legend of Qin is a 2014 Chinese animated fantasy adventure wuxia film written and directed by Robin Shen. Thousands of years ago, the supreme Goddess forged a fallen meteor into a powerful sword, to be used by Chi You to bring peace. However he became corrupted by its power and a terrible war broke out. The land was devastated by the now fearless warlord Chi You. A young, wise and courageous man, Huang Di (Yellow Emperor) led his people against Chi You with the help of the Supreme Goddess. He wielded the power of the Dragon and eventually won the war. The Supreme Goddess sealed Huang Di's ultimate weapon, a gem called the Dragons Soul, in Loulan in far western China. Now the Qin Emperor seeks the Demon Robot which is the last of 81 bronze giants created by Chi You.

  • Leping Shen
  • Robin Shen

Release Date: 2014-08-08
themoviedb icon 7.8/10
  • Country: CN
  • Language: 普通话
  • Runtime: 90
  • Budget: $5,572,000
  • Revenue: $8,336,207

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Junhua Feng
Junhua Feng
Qin Liu
Qin Liu
盖聂 (voice)
Ji Guanlin
Ji Guanlin
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