The Inseparables (2023)

The animated buddy movie follows the misadventures of Don, a runaway puppet with boundless imaginations, and DJ Doggy Dog, an abandoned plush looking for a friend, who cross paths in Central Park and team up against all odds for a epic friendship adventure in New York.

  • Jérémie Degruson

  • Bob Barlen
  • Joel Cohen
  • Alec Sokolow

Release Date: 2023-09-01
themoviedb icon 6.5/10
  • Country: BE, FR, ES
  • Language: English
  • Runtime: 90
  • Revenue: $311,198

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Olivier Paris
Olivier Paris
Pat (voice)
Monica Young
Monica Young
Dee (voice)
Danny Fehsenfeld
Danny Fehsenf...
Dragon (voice)
Dakota West
Dakota West
Don (voice)
Jordan Baird
Jordan Baird
DJ Doggy Dog (voice)
Art Brown
Art Brown
Morty the Pigeon (voice)
Donte Paris
Donte Paris
Alfonso (voice)
Eric Judor
Eric Judor
Additional Voices (voice)
Jean-Pascal Zadi
Jean-Pascal Z...
Additional Voices (voice)
Ana Girardot
Ana Girardot
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Chris Marques
Chris Marques
Additional Voices (voice)
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