Teufelsmoor (2018)

After the death of her father Georg Inga Hauck drives together with her son Max in their home village. In her old home she meets Anna Kertesz. Inga's parents had taken Anna 28 years ago after her adul...t brother Zoltan mysteriously disappeared. Since the same day also Ingas was missing then six-year-old brother Magnus. Inga is being overtaken by her past in her parents' house. Soon her nerves are bare. And every day her memories come back. more

  • Brigitte Bertele

  • Corinna Vogelsang

Release Date: 2018-01-17
themoviedb icon 1 2 3 4 5 5/10
  • Country: DE
  • Language: Deutsch
  • Runtime: 88

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Pauline Knof
Pauline Knof
Tuva Hauck (jung)
Silke Bodenbender
Silke Bodenbe...
Inga Hauck
Bibiana Beglau
Bibiana Begla...
Anna Kertesz
Barbara Schnitzler
Barbara Schni...
Tuva Hauck
Peter Maertens
Peter Maerten...
Georg Hauck
Kai Maertens
Kai Maertens
Georg Hauck (jung)
Peter Franke
Peter Franke
Hannes Lünning
Johannes Allmayer
Johannes Allm...
Olaf Lünning
Helena Pieske
Helena Pieske
Inga Hauck (jung)
Renato Schuch
Renato Schuch
Zoltan Kertesz
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